Our Donors
The Northern Regional Foundation is dedicated to raising funds and awareness for projects and services that maintain and improve quality healthcare at Northern Regional Hospital
We are so fortunate to have such a caring and giving community to support our Foundation! Thank you to all of our donors for your continued support!
Ed Crossingham
Lindsay Holcomb Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith Holcomb
Chris & Linda Lumsden
Northern Hospital Auxiliary
Kester Sink
Mrs. Charles L. Sykes
Mrs. Ralph J. Sykes
The C. Richard Vaughn Family
The Cannon Foundation
The Duke Endowment
The Kate B. Reynolds Trust
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Bokesch
Johnson Granite
Armat Foundation (Betty Wright)
Mike & Diane Bowman
Jason & Melanie Edsall
Edward Armfield Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Nelson Gardner
Robin Hodgin
Northern Regional Hospital Volunteers
Mike & Kitty Seivers
John & Karen Springthorpe
Bill & Jeanette Staples
The Community Bank
Dr. Mark & Kate Appler
Brian and Tina Beasley
Jerry and Jan Bissell
Gary Harold
Teresa Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Nichols
Dwight & Wanda McAlexander
Kathy & David Pruett
Reynolds American Foundation
Martha Roberson
Mrs. Emily Smith
Leo & Gail Theard
Ann Vaughn
Rick & Carole Vaughn
Dr. Rob & Kelly Williamson
Workforce Unlimited
Mr. & Mrs. Jim York
& Marketing, Inc.
American Building Network, LLC
Deborah Armstrong
Mike & Janice Beasley
Allison Bedsaul
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Belton
Robin Benfield
Horace Bondurant
Lorri Bowman
Carol Burke (J. Gillum Burke Family Trust)
Campbell Law Group
Henry and Maria Campell
Carport Central, Inc.
Jason Ferris
Fred Folger
Emmett & Barbara Forrest
M. Craig & Nancy Greenwood
Ron & Pam Greenwood
Karen Hiatt
Andrea Hickling
Mr. & Mrs. Bucky Holcomb
Amanda Holder
Holli Nowlin, The Greenhill Group
Bryan & Misti Holloway
Josh Jenkins
Dave & Betty Jones
Lynn Lambert
Craig & Pat Lawson
Dr. Augustine Lewis
Emily Loftis
Linda McMillian
Billy Meyers
Moody Funeral Services
Michael & Janet Moore
Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care
Mt. Airy Junior Women’s Club
David & Carol Nikola
Northside Group, Carmen & Stan Smith
Chris & Gretta Oakley
Jerrie Parsley
Pine State Marketing
Yancey Powers
Gene Rees (REF Properties)
Joe and Sharon Reid
Tom and Judy Riggs
Perry Robertson
Rogers Realty and Auction Co.
John & Jeffre Vaughn Roth
The Honorable David & Inglis Rowe
Robert Short
Sowers Construction
Dr. & Mrs. Sid Spencer
John & Judy Stevens
Roger & Hilda Stone
Superior Greenery
Ronnie & Tamra Thomas
Triad Radiology Associates (Linda Skarzynski)
Ben & Martha Tucker
Carol Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Vaughn
Dr. David Werle
Bert & Harriett Whitaker
H.O. Woltz III
Judy Wright